How do the families get selected and how is the support provided for them determined?
A social worker in Israel decides which Israeli families in their database are most in need of outside help.
The social worker assesses each family’s psychological and monetary needs and sends a biography along with suggested support.
Adopt a Family Foundation reviews these families and decides which ones to adopt based upon perceived need and available resources.
How does Adopt a Family Foundation make a difference in the lives of the adopted families?
Adopt a Family Foundation strives to provide long-term moral support, in addition to material sustenance.
We also help forge a sense of unity between the United States and Israel.
How does Adopt a Family Foundation make sure the families receive the funds sent to them?
Adopt a Family Foundation follows up with the families to make sure that they received their check.
It is always deeply rewarding to hear that this support makes such a significant difference in the lives of the adopted families.
How can I help?
Adopt a Family Foundation is always looking for additional help with:
Becoming the contact of an adopted family | Sponsoring a trip or donating mileage | Volunteering for special events
How can I make a donation?
Please mail a check made out to "Adopt a Family Foundation" to
PO Box 7278, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067
or make a donation through PayPal:
A social worker in Israel decides which Israeli families in their database are most in need of outside help.
The social worker assesses each family’s psychological and monetary needs and sends a biography along with suggested support.
Adopt a Family Foundation reviews these families and decides which ones to adopt based upon perceived need and available resources.
How does Adopt a Family Foundation make a difference in the lives of the adopted families?
Adopt a Family Foundation strives to provide long-term moral support, in addition to material sustenance.
We also help forge a sense of unity between the United States and Israel.
How does Adopt a Family Foundation make sure the families receive the funds sent to them?
Adopt a Family Foundation follows up with the families to make sure that they received their check.
It is always deeply rewarding to hear that this support makes such a significant difference in the lives of the adopted families.
How can I help?
Adopt a Family Foundation is always looking for additional help with:
Becoming the contact of an adopted family | Sponsoring a trip or donating mileage | Volunteering for special events
How can I make a donation?
Please mail a check made out to "Adopt a Family Foundation" to
PO Box 7278, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067
or make a donation through PayPal:
If I have other questions, who should I contact?
For additional questions, please email us: